Sunday, February 13, 2011

My 1st Story:The Dream and the Lamps

A story written by me for an Industrial story competition is furnished below:
My name is Ben and I am working in a Steel factory.

That afternoon my boss had asked me to be ready with the 3rd quarter target list. I had been stressing myself so much to make the report ready within the stipulated time period. I was worried of getting it completed .I had finished the office work feeling exhausted.

Late afternoon I took my Volvo car, went for shopping, and then drove towards the Seaside road. This was one of my favourite spots. There were many who were enjoying themselves on the Sea shore. I saw my friend Mr Freddy. He usually gives me company in the evenings. We spent our time talking and laughing.

Today we discussed on how to spend our Christmas holidays. We together took a decision to go for a trekking at Vagamon Mountain. Late that evening we finished our dinner from the Seashore Hotel and I dropped Freddy at his home.

At around 10pm, I came home and after a hot bath fell into bed and was asleep almost at once. I began to dream of myself and Mr. Freddy were walking on a mountain and then traveling through a ghostly place where we saw ghost like figures and terrifying things. Suddenly from nowhere two white horses came galloping towards us and somebody forced us to climb on and started riding us to an unknown place.

                                                          In the next instant, we reached a pleasant place. In night, people were singing and dancing around bright flames. People had small lamps in their hands. The night was so cold that every body was wearing gloves. We also took gloves and joined with them dancing for some time. Once the dance was over, we continued our journey on the horses. After a while, we found that the pathway was ending at the bank of a river. We did not know what to do now. Suddenly I heard a voice “Dear Ben, remember the dozens of lighted lamps, which encouraged you to dance with the people. Do not stop your journey.The road may end but your journey never ends. Have faith in God; there is a destiny for each one of you. Now go forward. You shall get a boat”. We moved forward and the next moment I heard the morning alarm. I stopped the alarm. The time was 6AM.

I was on bed with my eyes wide open.I remembered the dream so clearly as if I had seen it in a video display. I thought of the joy, I had felt when I was dancing with the people.  The voice also encouraged me to prepare for the picnic during the next Christmas Holidays. I knew that dreams contain great wisdom that can help us in many ways. Remembering a dream involves the transfer of information from our unconscious mind to conscious mind. Dreams may enrich our lives in many ways. Multiple views help us to explore the wealth of information. Welcome dreams.

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